I scanned in these pages at 600 dpi for printing on a laser printer.
Bourrée, a piece originally by J. S. Bach, was taken
by Jethro Tull and performed on flute and bass guitar, with accompaniment by
acoustic guitar and drum set.
They added, among the changes they made, a number of jazz variations to the piece.
I liked the result so much that I sounded out the notes and arranged it for
a duet of two string instruments.
I think this works best for viola and violin, but it
probably works for cello and violin too, so I've provided both.
Corey Ridings, an Occidental College undergraduate, on viola,
and I, on violin, performed this arrangement's debut performance
at Occidental's Bach Festival on April 9, 2000.
If anyone out there plays or performs this version, please email me
and tell me all about it!